2014 Pre-IPSA Workshop:

“Citizens, Parties, and Electoral Contexts” 

Friday 18th July 2014

Montreal, Canada



Conference Theme

The study of how citizens and parties act within different electoral contexts is a rapidly growing focus of comparative research. The Making Electoral Democracy Work (MEDW) project aims to examine how the rules of the game (especially the electoral system) and the electoral context (especially the competitiveness and salience of an election) influence the dynamic and reciprocal relationship between voters and parties in several long-established democratic states (Canada, France, Germany, Spain, and Switzerland). The Electoral Integrity Project widens the perspective still further, by examining how the quality of any contest and common malpractices affect citizens and elites in national elections in countries worldwide. This workshop presented papers using multiple methods and approaches which seek to tackle several related questions:

  • What impact do electoral rules and electoral integrity have on citizen’s participation, especially voting turnout and campaign activism?

  • What impact do electoral rules and electoral integrity have on political representation, especially the accountability of elected officials to citizens?

  • What impact do electoral rules and electoral integrity have on party choice and voting behavior?

  • What impact do electoral rules and electoral integrity have on the behavior of political parties?




Arrival and registration



Introduction to the Making Electoral Democracy Work Project and the Electoral Integrity Project

Elisabeth Gidengil, Pippa Norris and Ferran Martinez i Coma



Panel 1: Campaigns and the vote


Chair: Karin Riedl, CUNY


Negative Campaigning in Multicandidate Contests, Indridi Indridason, University of California at Riverside, Matt Golder, Pennsylvania State University and Thomas Gschwend, University of Manheim

Campaigns and Cross-Level PartisanshipLaura Stephenson, University of Western Ontario, and Éric Bélanger, McGill University

The Impact of Electoral Systems on Personal Vote Strategies. A Field Experiment on German MPsDamien Bol, Université de Montréal, Thomas Gschwend, University of Mannheim, Thomas Zittel, Goethe University Frankfurt, Steffen Zittlau, University of Mannheim

Perceptions of Corruption: Does the Level of Government Make a Difference? André Blais, Université de Montréal and Elisabeth Gidengil, McGill University, Anja Kilibarda, Université de Montréal


Peter Miller, University of Pennsylvania 



Panel 2: Determinants and consequences of Electoral Integrity


Chad Vickery, IFES


Bullets over Ballots: How Electoral Exclusion Sparks Political Violence and Chills ParticipationBrian Klaas, Oxford University

Gender and Electoral Integrity: Combating Violence against Women in PoliticsMona Lena Krook, Rutgers University

Capturing Campaigns’ Effects on Democratic Satisfaction: Evidence from a Panel Study in UgandaNicholas Kerr, University of Alabama and Jeff Conroy-Krutz,  Michigan State University

Beat Me If You Can: The Fairness of Elections in DictatorshipsMasaaki Higashijima, Michigan State University


Allyson Benton, CIDE






Panel 3. Voting turnout


Katharina Jaronicki, University of Pennsylvania


Compulsory Voting, Voter Turnout, and Income InequalityJohn Carey, Dartmouth College and Yusaku Horiuchi, Darmouth College

Elections as Poor Reflections of Preferences under Compulsory VotingShane Singh, University of Georgia

High Turnout in the Low Countries: Partisan Effects of Turnout in Belgium and The Netherlands, Peter Miller, University of Pennsylvania and Ruth Dassoneville, University of Leuven

Swing Voters and Motivated Cognitive Reasoning, Matthew Byrne, University of British Columbia and Pascal Doray-Demers, Université de Montréal

Cooperating for fairness: the role of electoral institutions in generating legislation aimed at protecting vulnerable sectors in society in the sub-Saharan African regionKarin Riedl, The Graduate Center, CUNY


Damien Bol, Universite de Montréal


Panel 4. Perceptions of Electoral Integrity             


Mona Lena Krook,  Rutgers University 


Electoral rules, performance and perceptions of electoral integrityTodd Donovan, Western Washington University, and Shaun Bowler, UC Riverside 

Distrust without Controversy: Determinants of Perceptions of Election Transparency in Contemporary ArgentinaJulia Pomares, Center for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth (CIPPEC)

Impact of Perceptions of Election Integrity on Electoral Participation: The Case of Ukraine Staffan Darnolf, IFES, and Rakesh Sharma, IFES

(How) Does Electoral Integrity Affect Turnout?  Ferran Martinez i Coma, The University of Sydney, and Minh Trinh, Harvard University


Brian Klaas, University of Oxford 



Panel 5: Breakout roundtables during buffet lunch

In this breakout session, led by practitioners, groups at each table will be asked to discuss two issues: What are the practical barriers to knowledge sharing among practitioners and scholars in the research communities? What could be done to strengthen these networks? Each table group will select a rapporteur to report back the key points during the final 15-20 minutes.


Table 5_1 Niall McCann, UNDP

Table 5_2 Chad Vickery, IFES

Table 5_3 Staffan Darnolf, IFES

Table 5_4 Betilde Munoz-Possian, OAS

Table 5_5 Marc Mayrand, Chief Elections Officer, Elections Canada 

Table 5_6 Annette M. Fath-Lihic, International IDEA 

Table 5_7 Martin Schaaper, UNESCO Institute for Statistics

Table 5_8 Nathaniel Heller, Global Integrity



Panel 6: Representative and direct democracy


Elisabeth Gidengil, McGill University


Campaigning in Direct Democracies: Initiative Petition Signing, Voter Turnout, and AcceptanceKatharina Jaronicki, University of Pennsylvania

The Conditioning Impact of Electoral and Party Systems on Electoral VolatilityBenjamin Ferland, McGill University and Ruth Dassonneville, University of Leuven

How to Survey about Turnout? Evidence from a Randomized Wording Experiment in Five Democracies, Alexandre Morin-Chassé, Université de Montréal; Damien Bol, Université de Montréal; Laura Stephenson, University of Western Ontario; and Simon Labbé St-Vincent, Université de Montréal


Patrick Fournier, University of Montreal


Panel 7: Forensics, Campaign finance, and the Law


Lonna Atkeson, University of New Mexico 


Equity and Transparency in Campaign Financing: Implications for the Integrity of ElectionsBetilde Munoz-Pogossian, OAS and, Alejandro Urizar, OAS.

Does the Decentralization of Electoral Manipulation Strengthen National Electoral Authoritarian Regimes? Evidence from MexicoAllyson Benton, CIDE.

The Public Mapping Project. Drawing Electoral Boundaries and International Transparent Participative Mapping around the Globe,  Alejandro Trelles, University of Pittsburgh

Canadian Election Administration on Trial: The "Robocalls" Case and the Opitz Decision, Michael Pal, University of Toronto

The portfolio of electoral manipulation: The 2008 Recall Referendum in BoliviaFrancisco Cantu, University of Houston


Walter Mebane, University of Michigan 



Panel 8: Strengthening integrity institutions


Larry LeDuc, University of Toronto


Why elections fail, Pippa Norris, Harvard/Sydney Universities

Considering the Link between Independent Boundary Authorities and Fair Electoral Outcomes, Chad Vickery, IFES and Erica Shein, IFES

Electoral System Reform in Sub-Saharan Africa: South Africa, Lesotho, Kenya and ZimbabweJørgen Elklit, Aarhus University

Election Management Bodies, Confidence and Voter Turnout, Holly Ann Garnett, McGill University


Paul Gronke, Reed College



Coffee Break



Panel 9: Round-table on controversies in electoral integrity in the Canadian Fair Votes Act


Richard Johnston, University of British Columbia


Marc Mayrand, Chief Elections Officer, Elections Canada 

Pippa Norris, Universities of Harvard and Sydney

Elisabeth Gidengil, McGill University

Maxime St-Hilaire, Université de Sherbrooke


Drinks reception and book launch celebrating:

Challenges of Electoral Integrity, (Eds) Pippa Norris, Richard Frank and Ferran Martinez i Coma, New York: Oxford University Press

Why Electoral Integrity Matters, Pippa Norris, New York: Cambridge University Press.

Comparing Democracies 4, Larry LeDuc, Richard Niemi and Pippa Norris. London: Sage Publications.