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Cultural backlash: Values and voting for populist authoritarian parties in Europe
6:30 PM18:30

Cultural backlash: Values and voting for populist authoritarian parties in Europe

Pippa Norris will be speaking about values and voting for populist authoritarian parties in Europe on Wednesday 6 December in room G.01 in Tower 1, LSE, London, UK.

Rising voting support for parties blending populist and authoritarian appeals has disrupted mainstream party competition in many European societies and had major consequences worldwide. What explains this phenomenon?

In their recent article, Pippa Norris and Ronald Inglehart theorize that an important part of any explanation lies in perceived cultural threats, where rapid and profound value change in post-industrial societies during recent decades have affected core feelings of social identity, wrapped around values of family, faith and nation. These developments have generated a cultural backlash activating authoritarian values and voting support for populist parties with authoritarian policy positions, especially among older and non-college educated citizens.

Come along to the lecture to hear more. Entry is free, open to all, and allocated on a first come, first served basis.

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