The global spread of COVID-19 profoundly impacted the health and welfare of citizens around the world. It also risked having a profound effect on democracy and elections.
The ESRC, in collaboration with International IDEA and the University of East Anglia, funded this project on covid and elections. It asked:
What challenges did COVID-19 pose to the integrity of elections?
What policies were put in place to reduce the spread COVID-19 and protect electoral integrity?
How effective were these mechanisms in terms of their impact on i) the spread of COVID-19 and ii) electoral integrity?
What measures should countries put in place to build resilience for electoral integrity in the future?
The project wasled by Toby James (University of East Anglia), Alistair Clark (University of Newcastle), and Erik Asplund (International IDEA).
An edited volume was published in May 2023 which drew out the lessons for protecting electoral integrity during emergencies:
James, Toby S., Alistair Clark and Erik Asplund (eds) (2023) Elections During Emergencies and Crises: Lessons for Electoral Integrity from the Covid-19 Pandemic (International IDEA: Stockholm).
Book contents
Part 1: Introduction – how covid threatened global electoral integrity
Introduction, Toby S. James, Alistair Clark and Erik Asplund
Do elections spread covid? Alistair Clark, Toby S. James and Erik Asplund
Part 2: Pandemic electoral practices and their effects – Cross-national analyses
Election postponement during the covid pandemic, Toby S. James, Alistair Clark and Erik Asplund
How campaigns took place during the pandemic, Erik Asplund, Alistair Clark, Toby S. James,
Voting during the covid-19 pandemic, Erik Asplund, Alistair Clark, Toby S. James,
The effects of the covid-19 pandemic on voter turnout, Toby S. James, Erik Asplund, Alistair Clark,
How international electoral observation was affected by the covid-19 pandemic, Erik Asplund, Toby S. James, Alistair Clark,
The financial cost of elections during a pandemic, Toby S. James, Alistair Clark and Erik Asplund
Part 3: Country Case studies
Argentina, María Celeste Ratto
Australia, Martinez i Coma
Brazil, Gabriela Tarouco
Cabo Verde, Edalina Sanches
Canada, Holly Ann Garnett et al.
Chile, Pamela Figueroa
Ethiopia, Zemelak Ayele
France, Romain Rambaud
Germany, Rebecca Wagner
Ghana, Fortune Agbele and Ghadafi Saibu
India (Bihar), Saket Ambarkhane
India (other states), Zaad Mahmood
Israel, Ofer Kenig
Jordan, Fida Nasrallah
Mali, Robert Gerenge
Myanmar, Michael Lidauer and Gilles Saphy
Netherlands, Leontine Loeber
Nigeria, Ibrahim Sani
Poland, Vasil Vashchanka
Portugal, Carla Luis
Russia, Iuliia Krivonosova
South Korea, Antonio Spinelli and Luke Butcher
Spain, Jordi Barrat
Uganda, Nic Cheeseman
United Kingdom, Alistair Clark and Toby S. James
USA, Kate Sullivan and Charles Stewart III
Part 4: Looking Forward
How to strength electoral integrity for future emergencies, Toby S. James, Alistair Clark and Erik Asplund
Earlier resources from this project
Global overviews and comparative analysis
Comparative Analysis
‘Global Overview’, Erik Asplund, International IDEA
‘Elections and Covid-19: How special voting arrangements were expanded in 2020’, International IDEA, Erik Asplund, Lars Heuver, Fakiha Ahmed, Bor Stevense, Sulemana Umar, Toby James, Alistair Clark and Peter Wolf, 25th February 2021.
‘New Development: running an election in a pandemic’ Toby James, Public Money and Management.
Adapting elections to COVID-19: five key questions for decision makers, Toby James, International IDEA, 19th May 2020.
‘When is it democratic to postpone to postpone an election? Elections during natural disasters, COVID-19 and emergency situations’ Toby James and Sead Alihodzic, Election Law Journal.
‘What happens after elections are postponed? Responses to postponing elections during COVID-19 vary by regime type’, Toby S. James and Erik Asplund, International IDEA, 2 September 2020.
Should elections be postponed because of coronavirus, Toby James, The Conversation, 16th March
‘People with COVID-19 and those self-isolating must not be denied the vote’, Erik Asplund, Bor Stevense, Toby S James, Alistair Clark, LSE Blog, 23rd October 2020
Elections and Covid-19: making democracy work in uncertain times, Toby James and Erik Asplund, Democratic Audit, 30th March.
Electoral officials need more money to run elections during Covid-19, Erik Asplund, Toby James and Alistair Clark, Democratic Audit, 14th July 2020.
Elections and COVID-19: How election campaigns took place in 2020, Erik Asplund Lars Heuver, Fakiha Ahmed, Bor Stevense, Sulemana Umar, Toby James and Alistair Clark, International IDEA, 2nd February 2021
Elections and COVID-19: Health and safety in polling stations | International IDEA, Erik Asplund Lars Heuver, Fakiha Ahmed, Bor Stevense, Sulemana Umar, Toby James and Alistair Clark, International IDEA, 5th February 2021.
Elections and Covid-19: international electoral observation in 2020, Erik Asplund Lars Heuver, Fakiha Ahmed, Bor Stevense, Sulemana Umar, Toby James and Alistair Clark, International IDEA, 17th March 2021.
‘Wales is giving 16-year-olds the vote – but they may have to wait a little longer’, Toby James, The Conversation, 15th February 2021.
‘Scotland is ready to run the May elections, despite the pandemic’, Toby James, The Conversation, 15th February 2021.
‘UK government has delayed elections longer than most countries – and England still isn’t ready to hold pandemic votes in May’, The Conversation, 8th January 2021.
‘How will English polling stations compare to international practices, during the pandemic?’ Toby James, 9 February 2021.
Argentina - María Celeste Ratto, Institute for Research in Cultural Diversity and Processes of Change (IIDyPCA), National University of Río Negro and National Council for Scientific and Technical Research of Argentina (CONICET).
Australia (Queensland), Ferran Martinez i Coma, Griffith University, Australia
Brazil – Gabriela Tarouco, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
Britain - Alistair Clark, Newcastle University and Toby S. James, University of East Anglia
Case coming soon
Cabo Verde - Edalina Rodrigues Sanches, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.
Canada - Holly Ann Garnett, Jean-Nicolas Bordeleau, Allison Harell and Laura Stephenson
Chile - Pamela Figueroa, Universidad De Santiago, Chile
Ethiopia - Zemelak A. Ayele, Addis Ababa University
France – Romain Rambaud, Université Grenoble-Alpes, France
Germany (Bavaria) – Rebecca Wagner, Peace Research Institute in Frankfurt, Germany
Ghana – Fortune Agbele and Ghadafi Saibu, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Bihar, India - Saket Ambarkhane, India International Institute of Democracy & Election Management, India
India - Zaad Mahmood, Presidency University, India
Israel - Ofer Kenig, Ashkelon Academic College, Israel
Mali – Robert Gerenge, African Union
Myanmar - Michael Lidauer and Gilles Saphy, international elections experts
Netherlands - Leontine Loeber, University of East Anglia
Nigeria - Ibrahim Sani, Independent National Electoral Commission, Nigeria
Poland – Vasil Vashchanka, International IDEA
Portugal - Carla Luis, Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra, Portugal,
Russia – Iuliia Krivonosova, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Spain – Jordi Barrat, Rovira i Virgili University, Spain
South Korea - Antonio Spinelli, International IDEA and Luke Butcher, formerly South Korea National Election Commission.
USA, Kate Sullivan, independent expert and Charles Stewart III, e MIT Election Data and Science Lab.
Uganda, Nic Cheeseman, University of Birmingham
Evidence to Parliaments based on the project:
Scottish Parliament Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee Scottish General Election (Coronavirus) Bill, written evidence, November 2020.
‘The Work of the Electoral Commission – COVID 19’, written evidence to Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee, 24 November 2020 (with Alistair Clark), 24 November 2020.
Other Guidance for Holding an Election During COVID-19
Elections and Covid-19, International IDEA International IDEA
Safeguarding Health and Elections, Fernanda Buril, Staffan Darnolf & Muluken Aseresa, IFES, May 2020
How to hold elections safely and democratically during the COVID-19 pandemic, Sarah Birch, Fernanda Buril, Nic Cheeseman, Alistair Clark, Staffan Darnolf, Susan Dodsworth, Larry Garber, Roxana Gutiérrez-Romero, Tanja Hollstein, Toby S. James, Vasu Mohan and Koffi Sawyer, British Academy.
Other Country Analysis
Scotland: Coronavirus (COVID-19): what could the impact be on the ordinary general election to the Scottish Parliament scheduled for May 2021?, Alistair Clark and Sarah Atherton, SPICe
UK: It was right to delay England’s local elections, Alistair Clark, Democratic Audit, 16th March 2020.
USA: Fair Elections During a Crisis, UCL Law, April 2020
Other research from the Electoral Management Network, outside of this project:
‘Debate: safeguarding democracy during pandemics. Social distancing, postal, or internet voting—the good, the bad or the ugly?’ Robert Krimmer, David Duenas-Cid & Iuliia Krivonosova, Public Money and Management