The Electoral Integrity Project is delighted to announce that it has received funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada for three years as part the Partnership Development Scheme with partners the Carter Center, the International IDEA, and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems.
The Electoral Integrity Project (EIP) is a world-leading project that focusses on the democratic quality of elections around the globe and how they can be improved. The project is currently directed by Dr. Holly Ann Garnett and Prof. Toby S. James and is housed at the Royal Military College of Canada/Queen’s University in Canada and the University of East Anglia in the UK. It was founded by Professor Pippa Norris in 2012 at Harvard and Sydney Universities.
The grant will enable the project to undertake the collection of cross-national data on elections, develop policy solutions for improving electoral integrity and build a lasting network between scholars and practitioners.
See press release from the University of East Anglia here: