Prague ECPR - New Developments in Electoral Integrity Research — The Electoral Integrity Project EIP
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Prague ECPR - New Developments in Electoral Integrity Research

  • Prague Czech Republic (map)

Our section in this year’s ECPR Conference will bring together the research agenda which is emerging to address conceptual, empirical and policy challenges to electoral integrity. Papers are welcome to address (but are not limited to) the following themes:

• The nature of electoral integrity defects and emerging challenges to elections

• The effects of electoral integrity and malpractice, such as on voter confidence, democratic participation, political parties and policymaking

• ‘What works’ to improve electoral integrity, such as the management of campaign finance, election monitoring, disinformation strategies or voter registration mechanisms.

We welcome Papers irrespective of their approach. Papers may include, for example, case studies, cross-national studies, analyses of surveys, or legal analysis.