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iEIP 2024 - 4th Annual Virtual Electoral Integrity Conference

Call for Papers Deadline: 31st March 2024

Co-Convenors: Holly Ann Garnett (Royal Military College / Queen's University, Canada), Toby James (University of East Anglia, UK), Anna Unger (Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary)

Conference Administrator: Sofia Caal-Lam (EIP, Project Coordinator)

We invite paper submissions for our fourth annual virtual workshop on electoral integrity, focusing on three pivotal components: Contestation & Deliberation, Participation, and Electoral Justice. Scholars and practitioners are encouraged to contribute papers addressing topics such as candidate experiences, campaign finance, information environments, voter enfranchisement, accessibility, and electoral justice systems.

Multiple research methods are welcome, and paper proposals can be on any part of the electoral cycle. We also welcome practitioner papers which highlight recent policy innovations and other perspectives from the field of elections.

Our fourth annual virtual conference will take place online, the week of July 8-12,2024. Panels will be arranged to accommodate multiple time zones with panels taking place across the week.

As well as standard thematic paper panels with discussants, there will be practitioner and civil society roundtables and opportunities to connect with old/new colleagues and friends around the globe.

Conference registration will be free to all paper presenters and delegates.